Jersey Reds Minis & Juniors Logo

Volunteering in the M&Js

As with every other rugby club up and down the country, the JRFC continues to function due to the commitment of its volunteer workforce.

In the M&Js, most of our volunteers get involved for the first time as parents when their child starts playing rugby. Happily, some of them continue to 'give back' to the club long after their children have finished playing. Our volunteers quite simply make the M&Js the success it is today and we couldn't do what we do without them.

For an informal chat about coaching contact Dave, our Coaching Coordinator.

For all other roles speak to our Volunteer Coordinator, Jenny. More info can also be found by clicking 'M&J Volunteer Roles' below:

Useful contacts

Jenny Leigh Image
committee volunteer membership

Jenny Leigh

Age Grade Membership Secretary & Volunteer Coordinator

07797 727296

Dave Clark Image
Lead Coach Coaching Coordinator U15 Boys Contact

Dave Clark

M&Js Coaching Coordinator and U15 Lead Coach

+44 7797 888464

Useful contacts

Jenny Leigh Image
committee volunteer membership

Jenny Leigh

Age Grade Membership Secretary & Volunteer Coordinator

07797 727296

Dave Clark Image
Lead Coach Coaching Coordinator U15 Boys Contact

Dave Clark

M&Js Coaching Coordinator and U15 Lead Coach

+44 7797 888464

Club Sponsors