Jersey Reds Minis & Juniors Logo


Useful Contacts

Claire White Image
Safeguarding Committee

Claire White

Club Safeguarding Officer

07797 749393

Andy Clarke Image
First Aid Committee

Andy Clarke

Rugby Safe Lead

07797 724362

We take safeguarding seriously.

We acknowledge our responsibility to safeguard the welfare of young people and vulnerable adults involved in rugby and we adhere to the RFU safeguarding policies and procedures, recommended practice and guidelines.

In this section you will find safeguarding guidance, our safeguarding policy documents and risk assessments. If you have any questions, please contact the Safeguarding Officer. 

Useful Contacts

Claire White Image
Safeguarding Committee

Claire White

Club Safeguarding Officer

07797 749393

Andy Clarke Image
First Aid Committee

Andy Clarke

Rugby Safe Lead

07797 724362

Club Sponsors